Today we bring you a Hilarious video courtesy of Barely Political staring TV Host/Producer Andrea Feczko. As part of a "Samsung’s Follow Me" challenge she went to the Ring Of Honor/SHIMMER Wrestling Academy to literally learn the ropes and get a little training with head trainers Delirious and SHIMMER cornerstone Daizee Haze.
Along with the hilarity of Delirious' inchoerent rambling, and the looks of fear (particularly at the mention of an "overhead throw") and attempts at selling by Feczko, it gives us a light-hearted look at what goes on at the training academy with emphasis on safety and taking bumps the right way. Even if some of Delirious' advice and methods does seem scary! It's also notable that in the background of some shots we catch glimpses of then in-training wrestlers "Bonesaw" Jessie Brook and "Jumping" Jamilia Craft, sans mask, who are now both active wrestlers with bright futures ahead of them..
It's a fun video that makes everyone involved look great, especially Haze who looks downright adorable at parts. For more on Feczko or Barely Political, check out and